Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Fresh Start



       We go through so much every year, sometimes we believe that leaving behind the bad memories of that year will make the bad luck disappear and then we will enter a new year and a different version of ourselves or new year, new me.


    Do you believe in what they call new year's resolution? It's a Filipino thing where people say they will change because it's a new year. My goal for this year is to change, I want to go back and be active in church again, I won't swear anymore, and I won't be lazy anymore. We'll be making new memories this year, more lives, more memories.

        Change comes with the years, we are used to it. Life is short, we don't know when it will all end, so we must cherish everything we have.

Monday, January 6, 2025



          Christmas vacation is the most exciting time of year for students; it's a chance to rest and forget about schoolwork. Mine was a bit unusual this year. I spent Christmas at my grandfather's house for the first time. I attended the party, had fun, ate, and then slept. However, I especially enjoyed receiving money from my godparents!

       On December 31st, the day before Christmas and our town fiesta, I helped my parents with the preparations since we had many visitors. Washing mountains of dishes was tiring, but the New Year's Eve celebration made up for it. We watched fireworks, played games, and I enjoyed my favorite food, carbonara. Overall, I enjoyed my vacation, although I wish it had lasted longer.

       It is indeed the best part of the year, the best part to celebrate with family, friends, and our love ones. We celebrate this special part of the year because our lord Jesus Christ is born.


 ‎This quarter presented many learning opportunities, and the biggest challenge was creating our homepage using CBR (Community Based Researc...