Monday, December 9, 2024



I've discovered a lot about HTML tags after thinking back on our second quarter ICT lessons. Although it initially appeared to be a confusing mix of letters and symbols, everything began to make sense as we learned about the various tags and their purposes. Working on our station and just focusing on the screen was quite hard considering our limited time to work. On the other hand, I found that working with headings, paragraphs, different tags was really simple. It surprised me how much I like making my own basic web sites, you can do so much with just a few lines of code. I feel like I have a firm basis now, but I still have a lot to learn. Ma'am Evelyn, I appreciate all of your help and patience this quarter. I sincerely appreciate your assistance in making HTML learning enjoyable.



  1. Wow! That is really mind blowing. I still remember the time when we don't even know a single thing about html, but look at us now, we really learned a lot of things. Just wow, right?

  2. We both learn so much this year, it was draining but we already did it! so keep it up!

  3. Hai Nicoleeee! Instead of "2nd QUARTER REFLECTION" as your title, I recommend you to make it unique, for example " A Quarter where I Faced a lot of Challenges".

  4. Short but interesting reflection indeed!

  5. The reflection you made is well-written because it contains everything I need to know. Keep up the good work!

  6. Glad to know that we all have learned a lot this quarter.

  7. I'm happy that you have learned new things! Keep learning and exploring. : )

  8. The journey you had been experiencing is excellent. I hope this helps you to learn more!!



 ‎This quarter presented many learning opportunities, and the biggest challenge was creating our homepage using CBR (Community Based Researc...